BTM – Bridge to Muslims

Published Literature

Ask Your Muslim Friend

How did Islam start and what does it teach? Which are its groups and movements? What are the biblical answers to Muslim objections? How can Christians interact with Muslims?
These are just a few questions on which Dr. Andreas Maurer, theologian and expert on Christian-Muslim encounters, gives clear answers. Maurer sees the spread of Islam throughout the world not as a challenge to the Christian church. He presents a compact and easily understood survey on the history of Islam, its teaching and religious background. Different groups and movements within Islam are also described. Readers will receive answers to Muslim objections and practical guidelines for interacting with Muslims.

Illustrations Parables Stories for Muslims

Most people, including Muslims, love to listen to stories. The stories in this booklet should make people think and thus encourage them to seek the truth of God. Many stories are taken from parables in the Bible. They tell biblical truth to people in everyday life situations. Yet, the story teller has to learn to use words which can be clearly understood by the listeners within the particular cultural setting. The stories may also serve as a means to engage into conversations with Muslim people. These stories have been collected over a period of many years. It is hoped that they may be a blessing to Christians and Muslims.

Yusuf asks Dauda, Fatima asks Ladi

Respectful conversation between Christians and Muslims.

Yusuf asks himself ... The Gospel. Should I read it?

“Should I read it or should I not?” A question asked not only by Yusuf but by many Muslims of different cultures, languages, confessions and age groups. So, if you are asking yourself the same question, these ideas will help you find the answer.

30 Days of Prayer for The Muslim World (2023)

Christians learning about and praying for the Muslim world.

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