Germany has spoken against the violence to innocent pedestrians by Muslim immigrant at the Christmas Market, 2024.
16th January 2025
The way of life and culture of German citizens are threatened by migrant refugees etc, particularly by those from Muslim societies. Germany has awoken to this ungrateful treatment of Germany’s hospitality.
“Creating the Qur’an,” a Scholarly and Academic Study of How the Quran Actually Came to Be
27th June 2023
“Creating the Quran, A Historical-Critical Study” by Stephen Shoemaker. He presents the most comprehensive and convincing examination of the origin and evolution of the Qur’an and wrote this book.
The Death of the Quran, the Myth of the 'Perfectly Preserved Qur'ans'?
21st June 2022
While much of the academic and scholarly world knew of this problem and myth, no one of any note or reputation from within Islam had ever admitted publicly that there were 30 different Qur’ans. Why this fear and intellectual hypocrisy from Muslims?

Finally, an objective and scholarly Study Qur'an available for all truth seekers
28th April 2022
The Critical Qur’an by Robert Spencer is one volume encyclopedia of the Qur’an. A superb reference book with sound and solid foundation and using multiple Quranic translations.

Leading Biochemist Scientist Converts from Atheism to Christianity
14th April 2022
Leading biochemist scientist converts from atheism to Christianity after a critical investigation.

Orthodox Muslim Converts to Christianity by Reading the Bible
29th March 2022
Muslims who read the Bible with an open mind will often find it makes more sense than with some of their “blinkers” on. This is the experience of Abdu Murray.

The Spirit World of Islam
8th March 2022
Genies, jinns and unseen spirit beings who can appear to people, and then disappear at will are the original “shape-shifters” given official place in Islam as so-called “Muslim jinns,” cf. sura al-jinn 72 in the Quran.

Traditional Malay and Indonesian Christian Worship Songs
21st February 2022
Former Muslims from Indonesia and Malaysia have created and composed aesthetic and beautiful traditional Christian Worship songs in their mother tongues: Malay and Indonesian.

Can a Father Unilaterally Convert an underaged child to Islam?
27th January 2022
The Malaysian Federal (Supreme) Court quashed an appeal by a state islamic religious body to allow a Muslim father to convert his underaged daughter into Islam without the knowledge and consent of the girl’s mother.

Reading or Reciting The Sacred Scriptures?
20th January 2022
Muslims recite the holy Quran from rote and memory in Arabic, while Christians read the holy Bible in their mother tongues today across the globe. Why, What’s the difference?

The Avalanche of Muslim Apostasy
13th January 2022
Ex-Muslims are publicly flaunting their rejection of Islam as never before. These phenomena point to an unprecedented shift: The historically illegal and unspeakable actions among Muslims of open disbelief in God and rejection of Muhammad’s mission has spread to the point that it shakes the Islamic faith.

Breaking the Deadlock in Christian-Muslim Dialogues
3rd January 2022
Asian Christians have often been considered by their Muslim compatriots as followers of a Western religion and their situation in the country has worsened since the end of the 20th century. They are not only victims of religious violence but are also threatened by claims to impose Sharia.

Conversion from Islam to Christianity in The 1800s
11th December 2021
An Indonesian Kiyai, Radin Abas, an Islamic religious teacher converted to Christianity after a spiritual and intellectual Journey and inquiry. He adopted the new name Sadrach ……

Reliability, authenticity and trustworthiness of a preserved Scripture
2nd December 2021
A sunni Muslim professor, Dr. Shady Nasser from Harvard university explains the Quran’s preservation and transmission over the last 1,400 years ……

Studying Ancient New Testament Manuscripts
20 September 2021
Preserving Ancient New Testament Manuscripts for a modern world today. Referencing state-of-the-art resources that reinforce biblical manuscript studies.

Afghanistan: Last interpreter evacuated by UK saved in dramatic night-time rescue
29th August 2021
Troops pulled “S”, his wife, three-month-daughter and three-year-old son to safety over a barbed wire fence after a six-day wait outside Kabul airport.

Christian and Muslim Leaders Agree on Legitimacy of Evangelism
22th July 2021
World Evangelical Alliance and Nahdlatul Ulama sign the Nation’s Mosque Statement on sidelines of the 2021 International Religious Freedom Summit ……

Saudi Arabia Granted Women the Right to Drive. A Year on, It’s Still Complicated.
24th June 2019
Despite renewed freedoms on the road, in the year since the ban was ended, Saudi women remain subject to strict guardianship laws that prohibit them from ……