The name Al Massira means “the journey”, and it was developed by a group of friends in the Middle East who wanted to create an ‘open place’ where ideas can be shared honestly and freely, discussion enjoyed and questions asked. It is a good opportunity to make new friends, explore the prophet stories and to think about the big questions of life. You will meet other people who are seeking spiritual truth.
An open place - to walk with the prophets and meet the Messiah.
BTM International is a partner of Al Massira. All our regional partners are trained and certified Al Massira group leaders. If you are interested to join or host an Al Massira course in your region, please get in touch with us. We would love to conduct an Al Massira course with you and your Muslim friends.
The Al Massira course gives a unique opportunity to explore the Prophet stories and talk about the big questions in life. Why is the world in such turmoil? Where is God in my problems and struggles? Does God listen when I pray? We invite you to join thousands around the world who have taken the Al Massira journey.

Practical Information
- There are 13 sessions each about 90 minutes long, and the course usually runs once a week.
- You can take Al Massira in a group meeting together in person, or you can join a group online.
- During a session you will watch a few short videos, answer some questions and have an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas. Each week has a different topic looking at the prophets from scripture.
- The videos are available in many languages.
- The groups can be different sizes, from 2 people to over 20 people! Some groups are mixed, others are only men or women.
- Al Massira is free of charge, you do not need to pay anything to join.
- There is no obligation to take the full course. You can make a start and then decide if you want to continue to complete it.
- Contact us to register for Al Massira.