BTM – Bridge to Muslims

Zúme Training

Everything we do at BTM is based on the divine principle of multiplication.​

It is a blessing to follow Jesus. It is a great blessing to lead others to follow Jesus. It is a greater blessing to start a new spiritual family. It is the greatest blessing to equip others to start new spiritual families.​

We do this by using the ​

Zúme Training

Zúme Training is an on-line and in-life learning experience designed for small groups who follow Jesus to learn how to obey His Great Commission and make disciples who multiply.​

Zúme consists of 10 sessions, 2 hours each:

  • Video and Audio to help your group understand basic principles of multiplying disciples.
  • Group Discussions to help your group think through what’s being shared.
  • Simple Exercises to help your group put what you’re learning into practice.
  • Session Challenges to help your group keep learning and growing between sessions.

Want to start the training?

It's as easy as 1-2-3

1. Sign up

2. Invite some friends

3. Host a training

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